Sunday, July 19, 2009

Add Your Own Songs to Rock Band - Coming Soon...

Since the beginning of time, man has wanted the ability to add their own songs to Guitar Hero... Harmonix (the guys who split from Activision and created Rock Band) has now stepped up to the plate and giving us that ability... and by "us" I mean "the musicians who own a 360"...

Entitled "The Rock Band Network", you will need:
  • a "XNA Creators Club Premium Membership"
  • a XBox 360
  • Rock Band 2 + the Instruments
  • Master track of your song... MUST own recoding and copyright
  • a MIDI sequencer/Digital Audio Workstation

So all you indie bands rejoice... Soon the marketplace will be flooded w/ your music, and then you'll become famous, and lose your indie status, and your old fans will hate you, and your new fans will want to change you, and life will never be the same...

Full details HERE...
Thanks to Boing Boing for the heads up, check out their interview HERE...

1 comment:

  1. now we can rock out to shitty, cheaply produced indie music! YAY. No, I'm just kidding. This is awesome news, and a HUGE platform for bands/artists.
