I consider myself to be rather resourceful and skilled in many different areas... It is my opinion that everyone should have some experience in every area of life... From cutting down trees to socially engineering free pizza, and even fixing simple machines...
I do this b/c I don't like to rely on anything, and this keeps me prepared for the coming apocalypse... An apocalypse that is coming sooner then we thought...
A thick, dark and gooey mass is floating down from the Arctic... This mass is up to 15miles long, and organic... Now I've seen my fair share of disaster movies, and I can tell you EXACTLY what happened...
You see, some sort of government experiment was going down in the Arctic... I imagine it had to do w/ cutting huge sections of ice out of the ice caps... Using said sections as a giant magnifier to reflect the power of the sun, and destroy other nations (for oil or brides or whatever)...
No doubt they cut to much, and unleashed the very thing that killed the dinosaurs... That's right, and Organic Blob of Death (OBD for short).... And now the OBD is free, and hungry, and will stop at nothing to feed on other organic life... meaning us...
I for one can't wait to start an underground army to battle this beast (b/c we all know the army will screw something up and we'll have to save them)... All who are interested send me an email... We'll start figuring out cool names for the first dozen recruits. All the rest just get a number, as you'll be used as fodder to save the human race...
The following is a picture of our enemy... memorize this image, as we'll want no mistakes when we are in the fray...
You see, some sort of government experiment was going down in the Arctic... I imagine it had to do w/ cutting huge sections of ice out of the ice caps... Using said sections as a giant magnifier to reflect the power of the sun, and destroy other nations (for oil or brides or whatever)...
No doubt they cut to much, and unleashed the very thing that killed the dinosaurs... That's right, and Organic Blob of Death (OBD for short).... And now the OBD is free, and hungry, and will stop at nothing to feed on other organic life... meaning us...
I for one can't wait to start an underground army to battle this beast (b/c we all know the army will screw something up and we'll have to save them)... All who are interested send me an email... We'll start figuring out cool names for the first dozen recruits. All the rest just get a number, as you'll be used as fodder to save the human race...
The following is a picture of our enemy... memorize this image, as we'll want no mistakes when we are in the fray...

Thanks to Boing Boing for the heads up on this... You'll be commended after the war...
Thanks to the Anchorage Daily News for doing the first recon on our enemy... We'll name our children after you, in honor of your sacrifice (as it's obvious that they are now all consumed by this horrendous beast)
Private Goo Killer reporting for duty. HOO-AHH