According to /Film the new Alice in Wonderland is going to be a sequel...
The film is actually a sequel to the original story, and follows Alice, now 17 years old, as she escapes from a snooty party and follows a white rabbit down a hole, back to Wonderland. The White Rabbit is convinced that he has the right girl, the one who had visited the magical land ten years prior. But Alice doesn’t remember her past visit to Wonderland. The creatures of Wonderland are ready to revolt and are hoping/waiting for Alice to help them, but will she? Can she?
This sounds a blend of Through the Looking Glass and The Looking Glass Wars... which would be amazing, b/c Hatter Madigan is a fantastic character... but who knows, that's just speculation now...
The film is actually a sequel to the original story, and follows Alice, now 17 years old, as she escapes from a snooty party and follows a white rabbit down a hole, back to Wonderland. The White Rabbit is convinced that he has the right girl, the one who had visited the magical land ten years prior. But Alice doesn’t remember her past visit to Wonderland. The creatures of Wonderland are ready to revolt and are hoping/waiting for Alice to help them, but will she? Can she?
This sounds a blend of Through the Looking Glass and The Looking Glass Wars... which would be amazing, b/c Hatter Madigan is a fantastic character... but who knows, that's just speculation now...
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