Monday, August 31, 2009

Doublecheck Your Head - Download NOW!!!

Max Tannone's new project Doublecheck Your Head is out... Go download it NOW!!!

I'm getting my copy as I write this... review to come soon I imagine...

Get it here - Doublecheck Your Head
Follow him on Twitter - @maxtannone
His Other Project -

Disney Acquires Marvel... End of Times???

Well it looks like our children are going to be assaulted w/ horrible crossovers for decades to come... With Disney buying Marvel for $4Billion, I now fear a Wall-E and Wolverine series (they will be the perfect odd couple, oh and picture this... Wall-E rummaging through everything to find silverware. This silverware he now holds between his fingers, just so he can be like his bestest buddy *w00LVeeee*...)

Anyway, more HERE thanks to /Film

Friday, August 21, 2009

Harbor Master - Game

I would be posting more today if it wasn't for my new addiction... What is that addiction you ask???

Well considerate reader, first off I just want to say "Thanks for asking"; and second, that addiction is to a game called Harbor Master (iPhone/Touch)...

If you remember a little game called Flight Control, then I'll just say Harbor Master is like that, but w/ boats, and its faster, and you get a cannon, and cyclones, and secret Pocket God episode...

If you don't know Flight Control (and theirfore have no refrence for this game), then I'll just have to let you know that you play as a "Harbor Master" in a "busy harbor", your job is to direct cargo ships into the proper docks... THE END

Buy it HERE for .99c

"The Boat That Rocked" Does Just That...

I was quite surprised when a friend described this film and I had no clue what he was talking about... It seems that half the world has watched this film (way back in April) and I haven't, and it's all b/c I'm apparently on the wrong half of the world... So please bear w/ me here if you're one of the lucky ones to have seen this in the theater...

The Boat That Rocked is about a band of "rogue DJs that captivated Britain" in the '60s while living/broadcasting on a boat in the North Sea... During this time the British government was opposed to anything that wasn't classical or jazz, and they did all they could to stop the new music from spreading and corrupting it's nation... This is the story of their fight...

It has a fantastic ensemble cast which includes:
  • Bill Nighy
  • Kenneth Branagh
  • Philip Seymour Hoffman
  • Nick Frost
  • Rhys Ifans
And for those of you who know the BBC series "The IT Crowd" you'll recognize both Chris O'Dowd AND Katherine Parkinson...

I highly recommend checking this out when it hits our shores this November 6th...

Avatar - Teaser

I go out to work for a day, and the teaser for Avatar comes out *shakes fist*...

Release Date: December 18th

Go HERE to check it out in HD...

Go HERE for the official web site, and to hear a clip of the soundtrack...

and if you're interested, HERE is a video for the game which is also released in December...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shaun of the Dead Inspired Bar

I lived close to Minneapolis for the majority of my life (6hr drive), and as soon as I move (3 years ago) they come up w/ something to drag me back... That of course being Donny Dirk's Zombie Den...

I'd write more but I have to book my ticket and find my cricket bat...

Learn more HERE thanks to /Film

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Zero Punctuation: The Conduit

Here is Yahtzee ripping into The Conduit (a fps for the wii)... If you don't know what any of that means, just watch it anyway as he is delightfully amusing...